Teeth Bonding

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Teeth Bonding

A teeth bonding treatment involves placing a composite resin over your tooth that looks and functions just like your natural tooth material. This makes it ideal for a variety of situations where you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your teeth.

dental bonding in gardendale, AL

Who’s a Good Candidate for Teeth Bonding?

Teeth bonding can be used to resolve a variety of different cosmetic imperfections, including but not limited to:

  • Chipping

  • Cracks

  • Discoloration

In some cases, teeth bonding may not be enough to make up for any cosmetic imperfections in your smile. In these situations, we are likely to recommend veneers.

If the damage to your teeth represents a health concern that can’t be addressed by bonding, we may recommend removing the tooth or performing a restorative procedure.

What to Expect from This Procedure

Teeth bonding causes little-to-no discomfort for patients. In the vast majority of cases, no pain relievers will be necessary, though your mouth may feel sensitive to temperature immediately after the procedure.

This procedure lasts anywhere from 3-10 years, depending on the tooth or teeth that need it. We will discuss this with you before the procedure.

Our Gardendale dentist recommends avoiding chewing on nails, pens, or ice. It’s also best to not chew directly on hard foods or candy.

Are You Looking for Teeth Bonding in Gardendale, AL?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. At Magnolia Dental, we’re committed to offering patients both the general and cosmetic dental services they need in a comfortable environment.

Do you have any questions about what we can do for you? Would you like to speak with someone at our office about booking an appointment? Please don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our dentist speaks both English and Spanish!

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